Tag Archivio per: med spa ibiza
Osteopathy: Fascia the connective tissue
/da UleFast facts about fascia:
- Fascia connects all connective tissues ( means muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and blood)
- Fascia holds together the entire body
- There are four different kinds of fascia ( structural, intersectoral, visceral, and spinal), they are all connected
- In a healthy state they are flexible, supple and glide

- Improved Body symmetry and alignment
- Increased blood flow which means faster exercise recovery
- Reduced appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, scare tissue breakdown
- Reduces risk of injuries, less day to day pain
- Improved sports performance
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Poor Posture
- Dehydration
- Overusing or injuring your muscles
- Unhealthy eating habits
- Poor sleep quality
- Stress
Meet Peter – Massage Therapist at Ibiza Balance
/da UleHow long have you been on the island?
I moved to Ibiza in August 1995 and I’ve been living on the island since. I’ve been working with the Ibiza Balance team for six years now.
What’s your speciality?
Deep tissue massages.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Helping people. It’s the best thing when a client gets off the table with a smile on their face.
What are your qualifications?
I studied Swedish body relaxation massage in London. And I’ve taken courses with Anika to hone my expertise in therapeutic deep tissue massage and stomach massage.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Ibiza Balance is so well organised with really high standards. The team is great and inspiring.
How would you describe the Ibiza Balance client?
Ibiza Balance clients know what they want, so I always experience good moments with them. There are a lot of clients which over the years keep coming back and for a therapist it’s really interesting to work with clients over longer periods.
What do you love about the island?
Its beauty and its variety – one day it’s an early morning, energising swim in aguas blancas, the next day, it’s a crazy afternoon party on a beach. I also love to cook a lot and work in the garden.
How do you maintain your own personal balance?
For me, personal balance includes sport, having a good diet (every morning warm lemon juice on empty stomach, followed by porridge only with water, then a couple of cups of green tea). Although I do also love my chocolate… What do you see in Ibiza’s future?
Ibiza has changed lot since I arrived. Over the past three years the island has got much more busy, but it is still possible to find your peace here.
Passion: deep tissue massage
Mission: to make a real difference to clients through massage
Belief: balance includes exercise, diet and chocolate!
Style: skilled, strong masseuse
Character: trained in excellence
The power of Cupping Therapy
/da UleCupping is well known as pain relief and as a combination with other treatments such as Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Sports Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Detoxification Massage, Anti-Cellulite Treatments or General Wellbeing.
The effect of Cupping
-The vacuum formed by Cupping draws up the old non-circulating stagnant blood and sticky fluids from the area, bringing them up to the surface and away from the injury, so that healthy free circulation can be restored to the affected area, thus creating space for oxygen, living cells and nutrients for faster recovery.
-Where there is dead, static blood, lymph, cellular debris, pathogenic factors, and toxins present in the body, Cupping can leave marks which indicates that the stagnation or disease has been moved from the deeper tissue layers to the surface.
-A vacuum is created within the cup to draw the skin and underlying tissue into the cup. The produced vacuum creates a suction effect that increases blood and lymphatic circulation systemically and to the local area, relaxes muscle tissue and support, draws stagnation, pathogenic factors and toxins out of the body and releases a myriad of pain causing factors.
Forms of Cupping
- Facial Cupping
- Wellbeing Cupping
- Pedi Cupping
- Orthopedical Cupping
- Abdominal Cupping
- Thai Massage Cupping
- Sports Massage Cupping
- Sinusitis and Jaw
- Detoxification Cupping
- Lymphatic Drainage Cupping
- Triggerpoint Massage Cupping
- Myofascial Cupping
Massage Cupping
Is the combination of massage movements and negative pressure with the use of a suction device on the skin. A cup is positioned at the area to be treated and, depending on the type of cups being used. The intended suction can range from light to heavy. This, along with the movements performed and areas treated by the therapist will produce stimulating (toning) or sedating (draining) effects.
Bruises after Cupping
The most common misunderstanding regarding one of the most powerful and beneficial after effects of Cupping, is the marks that sometimes result. When injuries occur deep in the muscle, bleeding often occurs causing deep bruises. There will also be edema in the area involving the coagulation of sticky proteins. The combining presence of these elements usually results in stagnation of circulation to the area – resulting in pain, dysfunction, and chronic conditions.
Once you understand what these marks are, and feel the results – the concerns disappear!
Recover your skin after summer with chemical peelings
/da UleChemical peelings are typically used to restore a youthful, vibrant appearance to wrinkly, blotchy, sun-damaged skin.
There are three main types of chemical face peel, and each has unique benefits for the skin. The light chemical peel improves acne scars and skin texture, and reduces the effects of sun damage. The medium chemical peel improves acne as well and also smoothes fine surface wrinkles, and corrects pigment problems such as age spots. The deep chemical peel helps treat sun-damaged skin, eliminates deep, coarse wrinkles, and can remove pre cancerous growths.
MedSpa Chemical Peelings options:
– Anti- Acne
– Anti-Ageing
– Hydration
– Depigmentation
MedSpa Ibiza: Accupuncture and Massage
/da UleAcupuncture is now becoming widely recognised as a scientific therapy with far ranging results and possibilities.
Accupuncture and prevention
It is also important to note that Acupuncture is also a preventative medicine.
A bi-monthly treatment can help to build immunity, boost liver function and clear post viral fatigue.
Accupuncture indications
Acupuncture is particularly effective for Pain syndromes, Hormonal Imbalances, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia Arthritis and other Inflammatory conditions.
Acu-Detox Treatment
This is a treatment based at pulling the toxins put of the body through cupping and auricular acupuncture. It is a strong treatment that often helps to relive pains in the muscles and joints created through toxicity. It stimulates blood flow and stimulates the body’s vital energy. Whilst providing a strong surface level detox through the cupping the auricular acupuncture as been shown to affect the internal organs encouraging them to restore balance and rejuvenate their function.
Preparation for ‘Arrival’ Acupuncture
This acupuncture treatment is especially designed to prepare the mother for the birthing journey. It is useful to being this preparation several weeks before the due date, normally suggested from week 37 onwards, unless the baby is showing a breech presentation in which case it is more beneficial to begin the treatment around week 35.
It helps to establish a state of calm and to help prepare the body for the big job of giving birth.
About Accupuncture Specialist Helen
During the last 25 years she has been studying intensively as well as delivering treatments and classes. She began with the aromatherapy in 1991 and being a naturally curious person with a strong desire to assist in people’s wellness in an effective and targeted way it led herto the comprehensive study of acupuncture. This was an 8-year study resulting in graduating through The University of Beijing at their associated school – Acu Medic in London.
For appointments at home or in our permanent location MedSpa Ibiza please contact Ibiza Balance
MedSpa Ibiza: The science behind the solution
/da UleHaving already cemented a reputation as the island’s go-to destination for those seeking innovative, medically-sound health and beauty treatments, the team at MedSpa Ibiza is striding firmly into summer 2018 with a renewed devotion to providing the very best remedies for each and every one of their dedicated clients’ requests. From ground-breaking facials to all manner of health-enhancing therapies, here, you can be sure you’re getting world-class service provided by highly-trained professionals. As the official home of renowned group of therapists, Ibiza Balance, you’ve got everything you need to look and feel your very best, all in one place.
Located in Ibiza’s bustling Marina Botafoch area, MedSpa Ibiza is a sleekly designed space, created specifically for delivering the world’s most cutting-edge developments in the health and beauty realm. Each of the pristine, polished rooms is dedicated to a particular treatment, and every specialist has an in-depth background in delivering medical-grade care. So while any time here leaves you feeling pampered, refreshed, and revived, you’re also aware that there’s real science behind the methods – an essential for modern-day wellness.
Take VitaminDrip IV Therapy, for instance. Undoubtedly recognised as MedSpa Ibiza’s signature treatment, this is the only place on the island where you can receive this revolutionary therapy. Designed to give your body a quick, efficient boost it needs after a particularly long week, or if you are just generally feeling tired, it works by replenishing electrolytes and vitamins that have been lost by your body, seamlessly replacing them in a process that takes as little as 30 minutes. Often used by those suffering from sallow skin, stress, and dehydration, it’s the perfect pick-me-up pre or post holiday, and unsurprisingly, has proven to be one of MedSpa Ibiza’s most sought after offerings. There are custom blend VitaminDrip therapies designed for immunity boosting, hydtation, skincare, detox and much more, and your treatment will always be authorised by the in-house medical team at MedSpa Ibiza.
Elsewhere, MedSpa Ibiza specialises in a variety of other high-tech treatments designed to suit every need. Those looking for an injection of radiance to the face should look no further than the Hydrafacial, a procedure that offers instant results with no downtime. Combining a unique combination of cleansing, exfoliating and rehydrating, it works by infusing the skin with antioxidants, peptides and hyaluronic acid. The result is a deeply satisfying, clear complexion, with improved tone and texture, and a decrease in fine lines, breakouts and pigmentation. Naturally, a series of treatments can produce truly staggering results.
For those unafraid of slightly more invasive therapies, there’s Microneedling. A procedure made made famous by the celebrity A-List and its effectiveness combined, this therapy involves using tiny needles to puncture the skin at its very deepest levels, in the process stimulating elastin and collagen, which then work in unison to deliver plumper, more glowing skin. The results are proven to be particularly effective in dealing with acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles – things we would all appreciate a little less of. Choose from a range of three targeted treatments, to really get to the crux of the problem you’re trying to address.
Another radical series of treatments spearheaded by the MedSpa Ibiza team is Thalgo’s iBeauty. Coming in sessions of 30, 45 or 60 minutes, each procedure is designed to deeply cleanse, removing impurities that leave the skin looking luminous. The latest generation of treatments from the highly-acclaimed Thalgo brand, it uses a combination of sound vibration, ultrasound and radio frequency – tuning into the industry’s most high-tech, scientific advancements to smooth wrinkles, firm tissue and leave you feeling as fresh-faced as a newborn.
It’s not just skin and face the MedSpa Ibiza team specialise in – they can also help to hone and improve a myriad of other elements on the body. The VelaShape II for example, uses infrared light and radio frequency alongside a vacuuming process and massage to successfully shrink fat cells and tighten the skin. While this may sound like something from Star Trek, you can actually see proven results after only the first treatment, with some patients in clinical studies reporting an incredible surface reduction of 2.5cm in the area they had treated, not to mention generally smoother, silkier skin. You also have the ability to focus on specific troublesome areas, so if you’ve struggled to lose your love handles, or suffer from cellulite on the legs, this could well be an option for you.
These are just a few of the key treatments available at MedSpa Ibiza, and for anything else on the pampering spectrum, you can look to the Ibiza Balance treatment menu. Based at the spa, but providing treatments island-wide with their mobile service, Ibiza Balance are experts in their field. Offering a range of feel-good regimens that include lymphatic drainage, pregnancy massage, reflexology, physiotherapy, osteopathy, acupuncture and beauty treatments, among many other things, the team can provide everything you need in order to overhaul mind, body and soul, either at the spa itself, or in the comfort of your own home or holiday villa.
On that note, there are special packages available throughout the whole of summer 2018, so you can curate your own MedSpa Ibiza package, dependent on your needs. Choose one dedicated solely to detoxing, beauty, or wellness, or mix and match by cherry-picking a handful of treatments that you feel will deliver optimum results for you. Buy six treatments, for example, and you get around a 10-percent discount, saving money and boosting your wellbeing in the process. So whether it’s prep for a summer holiday, revving up for a red carpet event taking some well-need down time after a stressful cycle of events, MedSpa Ibiza practice the science that sparks the solution.
MedSpa Ibiza: Velashape – The body contouring machine
/da UleVelaShape contours, shapes and slims the body by improving cellulite and reducing volume
VelaShape is a non-invasive treatment that uses Radio frequency
and infrared light energy along with vacuum and massage to
shrink fat cells and tighten the skin.
This system has revolutionized the body shaping market by
achieving a smoother, silkier and more contoured appearance of
the skin and body, safely and efficiently.
Gradual improvement can be seen following the first treatment,
with the skin surface on the treated area feeling smoother and
firmer. Body contouring result start from the second session and
cellulite improvement is noticed from the forth session.
In clinical studies, patients report an average reduction of 2.5
centimetres post treatment. A recent study of postpartum patients
showed 97% patient satisfaction.
Treatment is safe and effective for all skin types and colors. There
are no reported short or long-term health effects.
Most patients find VelaShape comfortable – like a warm deep
tissue massage. The treatment is designed to accommodate your
sensitivity and comfort level. It is normal to experience a warm
sensation for a few hours post treatment. Your skin may also
appear red for several hours.
View a full list of our services and prices
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