Meet Peter – Massage Therapist at Ibiza Balance
How long have you been on the island?
I moved to Ibiza in August 1995 and I’ve been living on the island since. I’ve been working with the Ibiza Balance team for six years now.
What’s your speciality?
Deep tissue massages.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Helping people. It’s the best thing when a client gets off the table with a smile on their face.
What are your qualifications?
I studied Swedish body relaxation massage in London. And I’ve taken courses with Anika to hone my expertise in therapeutic deep tissue massage and stomach massage.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Ibiza Balance is so well organised with really high standards. The team is great and inspiring.
How would you describe the Ibiza Balance client?
Ibiza Balance clients know what they want, so I always experience good moments with them. There are a lot of clients which over the years keep coming back and for a therapist it’s really interesting to work with clients over longer periods.
What do you love about the island?
Its beauty and its variety – one day it’s an early morning, energising swim in aguas blancas, the next day, it’s a crazy afternoon party on a beach. I also love to cook a lot and work in the garden.
How do you maintain your own personal balance?
For me, personal balance includes sport, having a good diet (every morning warm lemon juice on empty stomach, followed by porridge only with water, then a couple of cups of green tea). Although I do also love my chocolate… What do you see in Ibiza’s future?
Ibiza has changed lot since I arrived. Over the past three years the island has got much more busy, but it is still possible to find your peace here.
Passion: deep tissue massage
Mission: to make a real difference to clients through massage
Belief: balance includes exercise, diet and chocolate!
Style: skilled, strong masseuse
Character: trained in excellence